Welcome to Tyneside Wargames Club
The Tyneside Wargames Club has been meeting regularly most Saturdays during the year since 1982. The main thrust of our gaming is historical although we do on occasion delve into Sci-fi, fantasy and boardgaming. All periods are played in various scales from ancient to modern, including naval and aerial combat (but obviously not ancient aerial combat!)
Various rule systems are employed, so the chances are we will have something to fit the bill, including - for ancient, medieval and renaissance buffs - the Great Captain rules, amongst others, many written by club members.
The Club has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere with no hierarchy (other than the bloke who collects the subs) and is generally very easy going!
The venue, which is the Church Hall of St James United Reformed Church, has a handy location, being situated in the centre of Newcastle on Northumberland Road. Proceedings start around 10.30am on Saturday mornings and by about noon the blood is usually flowing freely!
So if you're in the area and interested, why not pop in and have a look-see? We'll be glad to meet and chat. Or have a browse round our website and blog to see what we get up to.
Herkybird's Rules
Richard Bradley (Herkybird online) has produced a number of rulesets and solo variants for game systems.
The rules can now be found here: Herkybird's Rules
And Richard's blog is located here: Herkybirds Nest